
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Long exposure fun!

Here are two pictures I did while waiting for the cloud cover to disappear during my last outing.

Sheep shed near the IJsselmeer
(Pentax K-5, Pentax-M 50mm 1.7, f/4.0, 15s, 50mm, ISO 1600)

I got really lucky with this shot as a passing by car accidently light painted the shed for me. Trivia: the bright yellow lights you see are from the locks in the Afsluitdijk. Bonus puzzle: how many sheep can you spot?

Lighting the path
(Pentax K-5, Pentax-M 50mm 1.7, f/4.0, 30s, 50mm, ISO 3200)

And this is me faffing about with a flashlight. The black tracks are the shadows of my feet! The vegetation looks a bit blurred because it was actually really windy that night.

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