
Thursday, May 2, 2013

A photoblog!

I suppose this is where the traditional first post comes in: an introduction!!

It's been awhile since I've blogged. So why start now? Well, I've started getting a little more serious about my photography. And astrophotography in specific.

Why (mainly) astro? Well, first and foremost because it's about stuff in SPACE! That ought to be more than enough reason. It's amazing to see what is out there and what the camera can reveal.

Secondly, it's technically challenging, especially when you're on a budget. Terrestrial photography is pretty much understood, with camera's nowadays calculating the optimal settings themselves. No such thing when peering into the cold void of space: there are no set rules for shooting stars (pun intended). Well, maybe there are guidelines or best practices, but it's all pretty experimental. And that makes it fun: it's a puzzle and the outcome is almost always a surprise!

Hopefully this blog will help me remember what I did and how I did it (equipment, settings, locations, etc). With a little luck, blogging my "experiments" will help me make sense of what works and what doesn't.

Maybe it will even help others who start out themselves.

Of course this blog will probably also contain other pictures I've shot. It is, after all, called a photoblog. As long as there's a nice story to tell about them!

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